“The clock stops for nobody”.

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2024-04-08 07:22:35

what advice would you give to younger self stay confident i never held a job i wheeled in deals
over a table under a table they took the table in my day
i was no angel but i learned what the reality of a world is really about that's how you build up confidence you must take charge you don't take charge in life you become a victim
and white people not successful life is very simple had no door education they're afraid of rejection
you get rejected adl if i could do this i don't do that and nothing gets done and how to overcome that fear they got to learn that they have nothing to lose in life where they got a billion dollars old billion dollars it doesn't matter everything stays here that's the bottom line it's not how much money you make in life or how long you live in line is the quality of time is what you're doing in life because
the clock stops nobody yesterday's gone today's the day and tomorrow's the mystery