98 % Percent of People have no idea this method exists ...

For 15 min manifesting money, there is powerful a manifestation technique,

it changes your beliefs on reality in the deepest level of the the subconscious mind.🧠🧘‍♂️

it literally believe it an honest try changed my life and many if us strictly using and attract what they want in life

Wealth, money, health, relationship, relaxing, successful life 🧲

Using this method

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2024-04-08 15:07:53

the best way to gain control of the most intelligent powerful species on the planet
would be to completely divide them from the world within themselves
as soon as they are old enough to begin creating understanding of who they are
forced them into a system that teaches them that it is wrong to be yourself if yourself is different from what is accepted as normal
confuse them about their own biological makeups that they think that permanently altering their body is the answer to happiness
require their daily attendance at an institution that makes them focus only on the information that is provided
make them attend the institution from age five until an adult and repeatedly test them on the information so that it becomes their truth
give them an explanation to everything so that they never have a chance to make their own assumptions of the world
scold them and humiliate them if they suggest an opinion that opposes that of their authority lives
keep reminding them of how cruel their ancestors were to each other in the past and broadcast how cruel they are to each other in the present
only show them tragedies on the news so that they live in fear and think the worst of one another and bins them that their species used to be that of an cognizant wild animal make them think that their very existence is so incredibly random that they lacked purpose and struggled to make sense of a creator
tell them that their kind is a smart as they've ever been so that they don't question the integrity of the system that they're in
provide them idols with artificial beauty and use them as examples of what it is to look perfect so that they're never content with their own appearance and can't help but to compare themselves amongst each other
create addictive digital platforms that rank them by numbers so that they base their self-worth off of the amount of followers