How much it costs to own a jet ✈️
Avatar of gadzhi1man


2024-04-08 17:53:00

honestly what will be the maximum maximum budget that you would want to spend
thirty mil what we do now is we have to figure out a sensible way to filter the airplanes out that don't meet your parameters do you want to have one section two sections or three sections there's four or five or six people in a section what do you think is the minimum
eight minimum so now we're down to fifty eight the next one is the maximum range so the longest trip from
a to b winning thing that would be five or six times a year i'd say
far this realistic
maybe dubai to london this is the range that you can go non-stop okay so anywhere in europe
you can make it to south africa and you can make it to singapore however this is with no wind i said now this was the wins last week at thirty five thousand feet so which this means is that if you're going to be able to fly faster when you go in east and you're not going to be able to go as far on range or it's gonna take you longer when you're going west if people don't ever ask which they absolutely should ask is how much baggage can i put in my airplane this is a nightmare question every time somebody has airplanes they never asked this question and this is the most important thing
every flight
so this is one hundred percent scale
too i'm six foot i'm i'm one hundred and eighty this is the exact size this little sick inside you see it's got those three sections is the door to closes often you've got that bedroom back there and the bathroom behind it it's got the biggest windows how big that windows