A Powerful Prayer for Purpose and Guidance | Spiritual Encouragement and Comfort

#godsplan #purpose #guidance #prayer #comfort #peace #intentional #heavenlyfather #blessings #divineguidance
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2024-04-14 14:42:27

if this prayer reached you it can be for a reason
god is always intentional
allow me to pray for you
heavenly father
i want to pray for the person watching the stadium
you know the plans of their heart
but it's your purpose that prevents
grant us the peace and comfort of knowing
that you are guiding the way
even when things don't make sense
even when we don't understand why things are happening the way they are
i pray for the spirits of addiction
to break off from them in the name of jesus
the spirit of depression
fear and lust must flee from them in the name of jesus
give us the strength to trust you
to be fully dependent on you
lord i pray for healing in their minds
for peace from the constant battles in their thoughts
free arm eyes from any bondage and oddly thoughts
we cast away these negative thoughts in the name of jesus surround them with your love so they feel your worth in their spirits
intervene in the situations they've pried out to you about
you know their needs
in jesus' name we pray
you are not alone
god is always with you
even when you can't see or feel him
know that god is working everything out for your good
comments on man if you agree
and send this to the first person god puts on your mind