Can we take a moment to look again? 👀

What does respect mean to you? Drop your thoughts below…

Speaker name : @dr.joydegruy
Podcast/show name : The Man Enough Podcast
Episode number/name : Access to Respect

#respect #humanityfirst #perspectiveshift #inclusiveconversations #understandingeachother #beyondsurface
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2024-04-02 05:16:33

in my encounters both know personally professionally i'm a clinician asked the question of my colleagues most of whom were white males what does the word
respect mean to you this is what it came out to an earned regard
so then i asked black males and females said what does respect mean to you
and it was so different they said
it's my worth
it's my value respect literally means taken from the latin
spect is where we get the word spectacle to see or to look
re is again
look at me the way you see your own son
in your own world
goodness can you look again and maybe if you look again
maybe you'll see my humanity