you know the eleven books that made me rich so we have time is money by eating nolan we have scientific advertising disrupting one of the best books in the world the art of war by sun tzu we ever read this fucking cheatbook and literally ag build has revolutionized companies and has revolutionized individuals with some of the highest levels of society a book that's not if you guys have ever read civilian master plan this book right here the shits crazy room the changing world order by ray dalio shop management understanding management you know you want to run a successful business you have to learn how to manage
companies high output management you have to learn how to be a ceo right ceos out here putting putting off buyers twenty four seventeen fuck shit your next five moves by patrick bet david and you guys aren't familiar with patrick and value attainment he's a fucking genius or the bibles of leadership by john maxwell's phenomenal book right with a nominal book that just going to give you the understanding of what it means to be a successful leader the lord of easy money and then finally we have
this is the white paper from
satoshi nakamoto regarding bitcoin right she kind of understand how peer-to-peer network and money works