We now have four children and we are closer to our dream life then ever. 2024 is going to be a WILD year!! #dreamteamprosthetics #limblossboss #myleglesslife #amputee #life
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2024-04-07 10:51:35

she has known me longer
like this
so i was young enough when it happened that
the majority of my adult life is gonna happen legless
there's several different milestones in my life
that are like the before and after
the the accident
and my sobriety day
my wife and i met in two thousand and nine we started officially going steady dating in two thousand and ten
by accident happen in two thousand and thirteen
so yes my wife knew me before
those the old
country boy wild and crazy look line and
sinker got her
i met her at a party
and she said she didn't drink beer
so i asked if she'd like big jacket trucks because that was like the next logical question
um so
so those what drew her in and luckily enough through the evolution of me she stuck around and now we're here about to have
four children and just live happily ever after