as president what specific strategies would you implement to promote diversity and inclusion in leadership roles within both public and private sectors
shall be very honest with you i'm going to share with you thomas soul quote that stuck with me if you care about somebody you tell them the truth or at least what you believe if you care about yourself you tell them what they want to hear and i'm
feeling i'm not gonna tell you what you want to hear so i think the diversity equity inclusion agenda has been abused in the name of diversity we have at many of our universities totally sacrificed diversity of thought in the name of equity we've perpetuated a lot of inequity and inequality of opportunity through affirmative action and otherwise and so i think if we restore true meritocracy in this country and embrace true diversity of thought chances are we're actually going to have a bunch of different shades of melanin and arrange of genders in different positions but let it be not the goal let it just be a byproduct of actually selecting for people who are the best person for the job and especially in a university setting diverse viewpoints as well that's enough