this is not your job your job is not to keep a person in your life your job is not to keep a person you like forever
your job is not to make one person like you that's living in scarcity the universe is an abundance is an abundance of rain there's an abundance of breath as an abundance of heartbeats does an abundance of people there's no scarcity of soulmates that's something in your mind that's not true disney has one princess but reality there's many princesses and limited as many as you have desires but it's not your job to choose the princess
it's your job
to raise your frequency
matched the vibration that you want to have in your life and let them come to you don't hold onto something that wants to go away
it's good that it goes away because it will make you grow
even this pain right now
if you let it flow through your heart
it will renew to a higher place
and on that high of place
you will meet
a more amazing person
than that person for you