What I learned failed at all my new resolution goals
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2024-04-08 00:22:11

i have failed every single new year resolution goal that i set for myself in the past five years except last year and i'll tell you what made the difference now the mistake i made in the past is i would set these very very lofty goals for example i want to get ten million followers i want to reach this much in revenue in my business and then ultimately at the end of the year i'd just be disappointed because i didn't hit the goal and i'd feel worse about it and then i set smaller and smaller goals and i never ended up achieving it
what changed for me as you would think i made smaller goals but no i didn't make smaller goals in fact my goals were even bigger than last year's but this time what i did instead of giving myself a goal i gave myself consistent activities to do every single day so for example instead of saying this year i'm going to get a six pack and i'm going to be in the best shape of my life that's a very vague goal i know is there about how will i achieve it so instead what i do is what daily activities do i need to partake in to achieve this so every single day and nine am i'm going to go to the gym and i'm going to eat x y z that's it i'm not concerned about the end goal or not to attach to the outcome because if you don't hit the outcome you're disappointed i'm only attached to the journey every single day i have to do this action so if you are trying to become a good public speaker if you are trying to learn new skills that you want to get in shape instead of just giving yourself a goal and then not knowing what to do give yourself the daily activity that leads to that goal