it's january third and i've already made over sixty one thousand dollars this month alone with my little side hustle
and i don't think you guys understand
last year in january of twenty twenty three i was financially struggling i had just had a baby i'm a mom of two
and i was honestly just financially stress
six months ago actually going on seven now
i started digital marketing as a side-hustle
fast forward to now and january
twenty twenty four
i have made over one million two hundred and forty two thousand dollars with the side-hustle
and seven months later i still don't know how to process this i'm talking to you guys from my husband's brand new drug that i was able to purchase a surprising way
sitting parked in front of my brand new home that i was able to purchase because of the side hustle
and trust me i know that it's hard to believe
i do not and i cannot still wrap my head around what just happened in the last seven months
and i'm not going to sit here and tell you that it's easy and that you're going to be rich overnight
but if you started digital marketing
and you stay consistent
it is very simple work easy no because you got to put in the work but it is such simple work that any
beginner can do starting off in the digital marketing space i literally got a course taught me everything a thursday on digital marketing how to brand myself how to grow an instagram how to do affiliate marketing how to korea manager products how to sell them how to promote them
everything inside of those cores
implemented didn't try to reinvent the wheel
and here we are today
if you want her more damning for more inform if you want to take the same exact course that i took it's the first link in my bio