🚀✨Unleash Your Uniqueness: The Art of Standing Out @georgeabruno George Bruno. Links in bio! #wisdom #shorts #standout #savage #georgebruno #sultanofsavage #shorts #fyp
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2024-04-14 19:06:53

number eighteen building rapport at all levels up and down can you talk to the
janitor the guy that sweeps the floors as well as the vice presidents and the ceo
number nineteen pre-planned responses
to all scenarios
versus reacting
even in the corporate culture remember what i said early in this show
everybody's reactions are one hundred percent emotional and not rational everybody it's not just in your home and in your personal relationships it's even at work
when you realize that everybody that you work with
are reacting emotionally
you know how you stand above everyone else
be rational
in a world of emotional people
that's how you stand out