The Universe doesn't give you what you want 🌌 It gives you what You Are 💯

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2024-04-03 00:02:16

the universe doesn't give you what you want
the universe gives you who you are people misunderstand that they think the law of attraction is being obsessed with what you want but no if you want something it doesn't mean you're going to get it the universe will reflect to you
what you are and beckwith calls this the law of resonance so you gotta
that which you seek to be now lofty questions works because it's actually getting you there so when you ask a question such as why do i have to fit muscular body of an athlete you're tricking your subconscious by shifting your identity
and you will find that the universe will stop to reflect that if you ask yourself a question why am i so kind and compassionate to everyone around me
or why do i only eat
healthy foods or why am i so brilliant
at being an entrepreneur you are shifting your identity at a fundamental level almost like self-hypnosis and the universe will start to reflect that
and your life will start accelerating and changing at a really rapid pace
this is actually the most effective manifesting technique i know but if you sit down and you hope and you hope and you try to focus your mind on one thing over and over and over again doesn't mean you're going to get that