Building A Positive Company Culture Is The Key To Long Term Business Success 🔑🚀

#businesssuccess #companyculture
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2024-04-07 03:21:16

it only takes one dickhead to ruin an entire business we had one south staff and um he was just always in a shitty mood and just being a little fuck wit
and um noticed revenue was dropping we had a slacker protein supplement store
i'm like what the what everything's on point like marketing's good products good everything is good why we're losing sales we went into his emails and who's being rude to people
and i was like you little fuck i'm like that is our money that yours pissing away because you're a bad person
and i'm so like we had to let him go
then we replace that kid with someone who had a good attitude hungry we gave him sales coms and we quadrupled our revenue
so it goes to show like
one snake can bring down an entire empire
but one hungry wolf can build it back up tenax