It’s all about raising that emotional intelligence! Your are suppose to inspire you not impede you πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ”₯

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2024-04-07 10:21:33

most people at the bottom are inconsistent
because they live their life based on their emotions because our emotions are so strong
a thought comes alive with our emotions and experience comes alive with emotions right emotions is what sells
so most people at the bottom because they live their life based on emotion
they start stop start stop
they start when it feels good they start when it's convenient for them they start when they feel motivated
and then when they don't feel motivated or they're sad or something doesn't go their way or they get triggered they stop
and so if you could just
reach the point of emotional maturity
or you can maintain
and be consistent and be constant
through the ups and the downs of the emotions of life
i'm telling you your life will drastically change you are so much closer to transformation
than you realize you just have to be consistent