A child claim to have a pencil ✏️ stuck in his ear but Doctor discover something worster #movie #movies #tv #instagram #netflix #lix #collaboration
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2024-04-08 02:37:15

like said he had a pencil in his ear but doctors discover something much worse tommy a wide-eyed curly haired eight year old kept complaining of excruciating pain in his ear mom i think i've got a pencil in here his mother distressed by this revelation immediately took him to the emergency room hoping for the best when they arrived a nurse was on hand to deal with tommy and the urgency of the situation within minutes a medical team surrounded the child trying to figure out exactly what was going on tommy was terrified he was holding his mother's hand so tightly that his little fingers were white i just thought i was having fun i didn't want this to happen he cried as the doctors tried to extract what they thought was a pencil they stopped dead in their tracks the room was dead silent the senior doctor's face was pale what he was seeing was far more serious than a simple pencil while probing his ear the doctor asked in a soft but firm voice tommy how long have you had this pain the boy's answer mixed with tears was barely audible but before anyone could realize the magnitude of the situation the truth hit them all like a freight train you'd never believe what they just discovered follow me and find out what happened next in part two