Never feel sorry for yourself for the price you have to pay.

Especially if your dreams are big.
Avatar of patrickbetdavid


2024-04-05 17:50:06

never ever on your weight your big dreams allow anybody to make you feel guilty but the price you're paying
for working hard towards what you're doing never let anybody make you feel sorry for yourself last night i got on my three thirty in the morning i've been on the road
last two days i get up i'm going to swimming right now my son
you know my dad says this one when i wake up so time he got home less than i said three thirty
he says that's the price you gotta pay
you know my wife soon right now she said to me you know what she's waiting for for me to get there to watch the two
races he's going to be why
because this is the life we chose to live
you know some people like oh my god babe you're working so hard once you do it is so much to do i want you to do this
no man don't don't feel overwhelmed because when you do
what you're telling the world as i can't handle this nicolette next level success
never act tired
you can get emotional because when you're paying a price you're going through and sometimes even a car by yourself you're like man
i'm really going this is frickin
you know
awesome yes great those moments are special moments
don't feel sorry
don't feel overwhelmed
stay poised stay grateful stay excited
staying physiatrists
and future looks bright for those who can do them
anyways godspeed