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Jan 2024 #wtfisgoingonofficial #truth
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2024-04-02 12:46:53

yeah listen to this i would like to
reduce the number of people on the planet because there's too many of us that was jane goodall she works with the world economy before she got a knighthood and all sorts of awards for her humanitarian work you know who else received a knighthood jimmy saville just keep going the world today has six point eight billion people now if we do a really great job on
new vaccines health care
reproductive health services we could lower that by perhaps kind of fifteen percent that was bill gates also a regular of the world economy forum they gave him the middle of freedom and he's also a doctor now and he wants to inoculate the entire planet let's just be honest with each other these people want to get rid of us and slave the strong ones and remove the useless eaters and if they believe that humans are so bad and we need to depopulate how about to show you great leadership skills and start with yourself