To attract anything to you like a magnet, all you must do is reprogram your subconscious with a brand new idea or belief. This belief will carry a new frequency, and this new frequency will draw new experiences towards you.

If you want to do this at the highest and most effective level, use @innertune.affirmations - the most effective tool to reprogram your subconscious mind!

#affirmations #affirmation #lawofattraction #lawofassumption #lawsoftheuniverse #lawofvibration #manifestation #manifesting #manifestyourdreams #manifestyourlife #nevillegoddard #subconsciousmind
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2024-04-03 23:03:28

to attract anything into your life like a magnet
save these three affirmations and listen to them ten times before falling asleep
and upon waking up
i'm a magnet for positive energy
and the universe responds to my vibrations with abundance
the universe provides me with endless opportunities for growth and success
i am in sync with the universe and everything is unfolding perfectly for my highest good
repeat these affirmations with feeling and belief
allowing it to sink directly into your subconscious mind
so the universe can match your internal vibration
magnetize yourself to your desires even more by using inner tube
the most powerful tool available to reprogram your subconscious mind and attract your desires