Mindful Momentum: Stop, Breathe, Think, Act 🌬️💡 @georgeabruno George Bruno #wisdom #foryou #truth #shorts #Stop #breathe #think #act #momentum #mindfullness #georgebruno #sultanofsavage
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2024-04-04 01:48:34

they want to see how firm you are and how solid you are
that's a shit test people always
shit test you constantly for instance
a woman will present a problem to see if you react rationally
or emotionally remember
every time you've ever gotten into trouble in your life it's because when you reacted emotionally
not rationally or intellectually that is why i like to say
i overeat intellect over emotions
every time you've ever gotten into trouble it's because you reacted to the world in an emotional fashion
you will no longer do that
you're gonna stop
you're going to breathe you're gonna think
you're gonna act