WARNING: International Students, DO NOT COME TO CANADA, The Country WIll Steal Everything You Have!

Canada does nothing but rip people off. If you are an international student and you want to come to Canada for college or University, please do not come. The tuition costs are excessively High and all the expenses that go with being a student in Canada will bankrupt you. Many students come here and they cannot afford to go home so they work very dead-end part-time jobs that even Canadians do not want to do for years.

Canada is a trap. Canada is not a country, it is an economic zone where everybody just steals from everybody else.

Do not become one of the many suckers who have had their lives destroyed by the promise of a better life in canada. 70,000 Canadians are leaving Canada every year because the country is so terrible and so communist, so if you come to Canada you will lose everything you have.

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2024-04-04 01:03:32

if you're an international student and you're looking to move to canada
to study anything i would highly recommend that you reconsider do not come to canada
what happens is you will spend a ton of money on a degree that you're not going to be able to use and the governments will go out of it's way to take every penny from you through rent and accessibly high food costs you're not going to be able to even leave the country because you're not gonna be able to afford the plane tickets to go
it's a trap
canada is a financial trap for everybody who comes in it's called a ponzi scheme for a reason
they bring students in from international markets who have money they take all your money and they leave you behind with absolutely no way to get home
save your money go the united states go to costa rica go to chile but don't go to canada you will be broke and you'll have nothing to show for it