The secret to success on social media?


Time is all it takes.

You don’t need the best editing skills. You don’t need the best ideas. You don’t need the best scripts.

Those will come in time. The biggest hurdle you have to get over now? Outlast everyone else.

I have seen so many creators come and go that were FAR more talented than me but the only reason I am where I am is because I simply did it for longer.

All the other skills will grow and stack during that time.

So just focus on making something today. And tomorrow do the same.

Don’t worry about the views or comments or likes.

It will come.

#contentcreator #motivation #inspiration
Avatar of willtschafer


2024-04-04 12:49:05

it took me three and a half months and over a hundred videos to get to five hundred followers and then six months after that i crossed fifty thousand followers it is so common for creators to post thirty videos and then give up and be upset because they do not see results but if you can make it past that point that is where the real value lies when you can keep pushing and keep going when it seems like nothing is working but you have that much confidence in yourself and that obsessed with what you are doing
that is a superpower that most people will never have so if you're at that point where you're just now starting off and you're thinking of giving up because it seems like it's not working realised that you are at the most pivotal point in this journey where you are now and what you end up choosing to do will define yourself for the next year five years ten years down the road