Are you an owner, or just an employee at your own business?

Speaker: @zainjan
Podcast: @antonwisbiski

Link in bio to get started in your own business journey
Avatar of wealthymaverick


2024-04-04 12:34:05

business is your life and life is a game i will never ever say i will just do one thing in my life the limitation that people set on themselves is that if i wake up every single day and i own a restaurant and i show up and i'm not opening an omelette closed i turn on the lights and locked the doors and close up shop
while zane i'm doing well i've been at this for twenty years you're not doing well in my eyes five build a restaurant today and i lose everything i build a restaurant today
within twelve months i will figure out how to not have to show up at the restaurant more than once a week
i just think most people never actually figure out how to build their business so they're working at jobs yeah
they're ten percent business owner ninety percent employees it's good i'm ninety percent business owner ten percent employee