Why you need to hang out with successful people
Avatar of michaelsartain


2024-04-04 19:04:18

go to dinner sometimes west watson's there my buddy dan fleishman is there a tai lopez will be a dinner they're hyper successful when the bill comes what do you think happens they're racing to pay the bill nobody's gonna know i got the neural there get up and go to the bathroom and like pay the bill before they even get back and i'm sitting with these guys and while i'm sitting with them they're fighting to pay for this meal that i can't even pay for if i wanted to and they're talking about concepts across the table each one of these concepts could make me millions of dollars if i would just shut the cup and whisk this is what it's like at the top if you really want to succeed i do a clips channel now because of rolo i do live streams now because i learned from myron and fresh like i learned from people who are better than me i don't concern myself if my ex cheated this girl rejected me i'm only concerned with bench press max more money in the bank account lower body fat percentage what are the forty five books i read this year that is all i
care about