Elon is the ultimate example of a masculine force for good.

When you get so rich and influential that you can pretty much do what you want, but you decide to take hits in order to make the world a better place.

When you call out the evil forces in the world not being afraid to take damage or suffer loss.

When you are the richest person in the world, but you do not care about the money as much as for humanity to evolve.

Tony stark is a lame parody about this guy.
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2024-04-04 23:49:28

so i will certainly not pander the only reason i'm here is because you are a friend like what was my speaking fee
yeah yeah i'm here because your your friend because
i mean payable because i need any validation or anything
if somebody could try to blackmail me with advertising like knowing with money
go fuck yourself
go fuck yourself
is that clear
let's see how both response to that
judges the public
and you think that the public is going to say that that disney is making a mistake
yes and they're gonna boycott disney
they already are
and what we care about is the the reality of goodness not the perception of it
and what i see all over the place is people who care about looking good while doing evil
fuck them
but all of that