Test It Out In A Simple Situation - Eckhart Tolle
Experience how simple moments can be gateways to deeper awareness and inner peace. #EckhartTolle #Mindfulness #Awareness #InnerPeace #SimpleJoys
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2024-04-05 00:49:31

larger part of your suffering is due to
your mental commentary about your life circumstances your mind is telling you something
that creates the unhappiness even you can test it out genius simple situation you're in line somewhere you get irritated it's taking too long you're waiting to get very angry and irritated then experiment how would i experience the situation
without adding any thought to it
because i didn't add any thoughts to this moment just
and then suddenly well it's actually fine
it's not
before you are unhappy but you are not unhappy because you had to wait you unhappy because of the narrative in your mind
so there are millions of people who carry very
toxic narratives in their mind and they call it my life