This is unhealthy

Day 29 Of Doing 1 Pushup For Every 1000 Followers. We have 322 days left to reach 1 million, otherwise, this account gets deleted. 🚫

We have 322 Days left.
Youtube: 2100 Subscribers
Instagram: 430000 followers
TikTok: 4000 Followers

#pushup #pushupchallenge #fitnesschallenge #foryou #fitness #TRENDING
Avatar of chewythompsonn


2024-04-05 01:49:33

twenty nine of doing one pushup for every one thousand falls
or at four hundred and thirty thousand phones so that's four hundred and thirty pushups my shoulders are in a lot of pain
i've said it before and i'll say it again
once upon a time i played games for twelve plus hours every single day so for people to be commenting you're going to get hurt this is unhealthy i'm not gonna listen to it because i think this is far more healthy than when i used
three hundred and twenty two days left until this account is deleted on west we reach one million dollars
that's one hundred and thirty five see you tomorrow