if god is going to give you the chance to become a successful person he has to make it difficult he has to lay out a gauntlet because within that ball let some people want quick and they can go become losers which allow the people who do not quit to be winners
you're on the highway you're driving
there's exits all along the way to lose reveal
loser tau
when you're tired when you don't feel like working when you don't have enough time when it's difficult you can get off the highway anytime you want but if you stay on the highway you will end up a winner
when i hear people say oh it's hard or i don't have time to centre etc
all you're doing is telling me you're a loser
every single winner feels the same as you do
the differences they do not quit fail
i don't want to hear any excuses
i don't care about excuses god doesn't care about excuses and the winners who went through the exact same things you're going through who didn't quit don't care about excuses there are winners and losers in the world you are either a winner who dedicates himself never gives up continues to learn does everything he knows he needs to do regardless of how he feels or you're a loser who makes excuses and you stay invisible for the rest of human time
make a choice