Always in preparation mode.

(video: @therealbradlea )
Avatar of patrickbetdavid


2024-04-13 18:59:34

so why don't we have cigars till twelve thirty one o'clock in the morning came back out on a flight head back to la head back to miami but this was a second time spending time with these guys very very good experience talking to these guys how do you prepare for that your editor camera guy asked me questions how do you prepare for shaq or kobe or you know all these interviews you do or we just had the santas on the podcast a couple days ago governor he's one of the leading candidates to be president i said to him i said you know most people don't know this in my phone i have been preparing for an interview with michael jordan for eight years seven years i have pages of questions from mike now i don't have a michael jordan interview booked but it's going to happen when it does i've been preparing for years coby i knew what questions i wanted to ask kobe ten years before i interviewed coby i've been making a list of questions i got questions for presidents i got questions for putin i got questions for some of the most unique characters in the world preparation to me is a lot of preparation for tates it's a lot of research she got to make sure your research guys give you as much intel as possible