why are illegal immigrants more important than americans i'd like to hear an answer why are people why are illegal immigrants more important than homeless people sleeping on the streets why
do we in the great one of the biggest economies here in california take care of illegal immigrants but our people are sleeping on the streets i'd like to hear an answer to that
nobody can ever email your question
why don't people put american citizens first but illegal immigrants get everything
and i hope you post this i want this to go viral because i give a damn and i care about my community but because i give a damn and i'm gonna fight for it and i am one hundred percent voting for donald trump on tuesday november third twenty twenty the democrat party does not put our people first they put sanctuary cities first they put illegal aliens first they tax us they tax our water you can't even do laundry and shower on the same day
meanwhile president trump is stunning united states mexico canada agreement and signing trade deals and he's cutting our taxes and you're securing the border and he's putting our veterans first
i am proud of president trump and i'm voting for him because he's putting the american people first