yeah a little exercise don't want you to do tomorrow by the way this is science this is absolutely proven if you read this page it will show you that this works so tomorrow what we're gonna do is we are going to send a frequency through our body
to every single cell in our body and we are going to change the self image that we have so that we harness the frequency of authenticity and you are going to see
your world change here's what i want you to do the last thing i want you to do when you're done getting ready in the morning taken measuring tape if you have to is i want you to stand six feet from the mirror
at six feet are stereoscopic vision because we have stereoscopic vision lines up in a removes our imperfections so what i want you to do tomorrow
right because words matter thoughts matter images matter and frequency matters is i want you to stand six feet from the mirror and i want you to look right into that mirror and i want you to say these words you're gonna say you're beautiful
you were created by god
you are wealthy
you are here for a purpose and the purpose is to impact people's wellbeing and let that be the last image that you record
for the balance of that day pattern formatting will not interrupt your life
you will end pattern formatting by doing that