when guys memorize their scripts >>>. I love this witty banter that we’re having 😍
Avatar of becccamooore


2024-04-14 01:30:31

um you guys my friend i went to the bar the other night and these guys come to us and they were like do you think that your boyfriends could beat us up
and i was like
yes hundred percent yes neither some boyfriends but
that's besides the point but then one of them was like well i'm more into brunettes anyway it was like okay are you nagging us and he's like i'm so sorry i'm teaching my friend how to pick up girls and he pulls out an entire notes app thing
yeah game manifesto
gay manifesto you have to stand out by being normal
why is that something that you have to write down
why would you have to write that down approach angle pre open icon deliver opener
pause or take notes so you should be taken out for as much as this looks like a college course you would think you would know how to spell the words i don't know distinct complimentary keeping a combo going he wrote down the word why
men have to write down that they have to ask the word what
i can't decide if you're a little crazy or a lot crazy medium
usually what's your view on drinks and witty banter between attractive new friends
okay plush pool once you've congruent disqualify blower era
huh what are any of these words framing and storytelling create the story that you are special okay so i don't think the guys that wrote this and follow this advice
were hugged enough from the ages of like six to eleven years old all of your instinct all of your complimentary and guess what the next guy date one hundred percent i will let you beat him up first and i don't do that for everyone i know i just love having any banner between attractive people