Inside the Mind of an Overthinker: Falling in Love and Analyzing Every Detail

#overthinkerlove #obsessedwithyou #analyzingyou #infatuated #overanalyzinglove #crazyaboutyou
Avatar of mindsethealer._


2024-04-13 10:23:21

don't date an over thinker
they fall in love over the smallest things about you
like the color of your eyes and the way that your smile is formed
they'll spend their days analyzing the way you speak
and their nights understanding what your text messages mend
they'll agonise for hours over you not kissing them goodbye
then they'll create unrealistic scenarios in their head that you decided not to like them anymore
don't date an over thinker
because they'll suffocate you with their love and affection
and you'll get tired of it
then they'll get upset when you start kissing them
like it's a job
and touching them
like it's just a habit
they'll even overthink the fact that they're just overthinking it
and that it's all in their head
then when you do decide to leave
they'll wake up late at night
months later
replaying memories over and over
thinking things like
where did i go wrong
what did i do this time
the truth is
i'm an over thinker so don't date me
do not do it unless you plan on loving me for a lifetime