I can’t tell you how many strangers have told me time is ticking.

“You need to settle down and have a family. You will regret it if you don’t.”

Yes, people I don’t know *do* have the audacity to tell me how to live my life all the time (same with people who do know me 🤭). It’s something unmarried, childless women get over and over again.

But the problem is that I’m so happy.

And that doesn’t mean people with kids aren’t happy and that isn’t a great path.

It’s just not my path right now. And who’s to say that I won’t continue to be happy with the choices I’ve made?

Sometimes I wish I hadn’t gotten that haircut, or had ordered the pasta instead of the fish. Sometimes I wish I’d moved to Amsterdam. Sometimes I wish I’d gone to a different college.

But guess what? I’m totally happy with my path because I’m continuing to choose tons of travel and life and my other relationships and just having FUN.

And I don’t see a single thing wrong with people choosing what’s right for them and having fun while they do it. 💪🏼
#solotravel #solotraveler #rantover
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2024-04-13 03:02:35

i'm getting older and i am running out of time to have kids and it's scary
some days i just look in the mirror and i'm wearing oh my god
am i gonna have to spend the rest of my life
having fun