His business made over $16 million in one year 🤯. I asked a multimillionaire healthcare entrepreneur how someone can become a millionaire going into 2024. #wealth #entrepreneur #motivation #christian #faith
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2024-04-14 06:26:12

what industry did you decide to pursue a career in the eyeglass and hearing aid industry what has been the most amount of money that you've ever made in a single year sixteen point seven million sixteen point seven million and what happened that year that you were able to make over sixty million dollars american airlines filed bankruptcy the american airlines employees as you can imagine aircraft mechanics baggage handlers pilots and working environment put them at risk for hearing loss and so on american airlines filed bankruptcy thirteen thousand local employees panicked and thought i had better go use my health insurance while i still have it and so we benefited from that we were not wealthy people until this happened how old are you now forty three how old were you when you became a millionaire thirty very young twenty year old kid watching this right now if you could leave him with what it really takes to become a millionaire going into twenty twenty four give them a couple of last piece of advice on what it really takes make god a part of your life and that may scare some people away i'm sorry if it does but that's that's the only answer i know and that is to seek god and all that you do right and if that's a little heavy for you in the beginning then take baby steps but have a have a spiritual aspect to your life so how important has that faith into the success of your business without my faith without god blessing all that i've done there would be no success number one and number two you need god for those times where everything ain't okay because in business in life very often things are not going to be okay they're going to be tough and if you don't have somebody or something bigger than yourself to fall back on you're not gonna make it