yeah gotta make a choice
i can't keep going
at the end of the day i can't have it both ways
yet here's the problem
so many of you find yourself wanting to walk up and experience all the beauty and the benefit that comes with the things of god but here's what i want you to see you'll never be able to get there with your foot on the world
you're gonna have to make a choice
and ultimately some of you are trying so hard to live in this middle
that you're finding yourself now at the place to guess what
can trump juice
am i going to choose the things of the world
and am i going to go there because to do so guess what i'm fully committed i've got to go there
or am i going to go and i'm gonna choose the things of god
some of you are like the scaring me to death right
cannot be honest
it should scare you too
you live your life on this tight rope somehow thinking that god doesn't see what you're doing
and all along what god is saying is that look i'm just telling you that's not gonna end well
sums about to come crashing down one way or the other and i'm asking you to make a choice to be able to choose the right