Jeff Bezos is a great example of someone who had the principles for success right, before actually being successful.

Back when he worked on Wall St., he wanted to quit his job to work on a new startup selling books on the internet. He hesistated, as he needed a way to justify it.

So he looked back on his life as if he were 80 years old. Surely he wouldn’t regret trying, even if it meant failing, compared to not trying at all.

That’s all Jeff needed to quit and start

Via @economicarchive

#investing #jeffbezos #stocks #stockmarket #invest
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2024-04-14 02:15:37

think it's very important to pursue your passions and if you're doing that the risks are often not as great as they seem to be
so for me when i thought about
you know leaving my job and starting this company i knew there was a good chance that it wouldn't work but i also knew that when i was eighty years old
and thinking back over my life
i would never regret having tried and failed but i might regret having never tried
and when i thought about that way it didn't actually seem like that big of a risk