ah warn you i hate knowing when to use a dog
and you are a dragon that's your enemy sign
law so yeah you should always stay away you should never drive a honda go away for you
can access ah
in dog car and your dragon bad energy ah good coffee to drive you know is being double
dragon car
things like that matter or make sure you drive a car that was built in two thousand and twenty that's a rat year because that benefits you why every little thing like that matters and you shouldn't be around dogs whatsoever probably you probably had some times in your life when you see the animal the dog in their garage and i don't know reason
that they don't like you i shouldn't have a dog yeah
wow how a dog whose name is yoga when did you get this dog pilot three years ago what kind of setbacks have you had in the past three years and she had that dog
relationship relationships it's like all kind of low-rent
yeah i'm i'm telling you that dog can love you you can love that dog but i'll tell you what you do
to is going gonna be hard and again i understand the dog with remember your fans
but it's not huge
take that dog in pound for two months and see if your life gets better
flat out
let your enemy sign brethren