Big mistake I see guys 18-28 make:

Think they’re in earning season rather than learning season.

Warren Buffet worked for free for Ben Graham…and WB got the better end of the deal.

Use your skills to get access to even higher skills rather than cash in for a smaller prize.
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2024-04-14 05:04:50

one of my heroes warren buffett he finished top of his class at columbia somebody finished the top of the class at columbia can get a job paying very well in most places but guess what he did he asked ben graham to let him work at his investment firm for free because he realised that he was gonna get more than he could possibly be compensated for and guess what ben graham said to him when he asked him to work for him he said you're overpriced because ben graham knew
just as warren buffet knew that even though he was working for free it was going to cost ben graham more to deliver all of the skills and all of the things that he would need to be successful
than the monetary compensation but because warren buffett is smart he realised that he was in a season of learning and not earning it and so he was willing to invest it's one of the greatest investors of all time in the thing that was most important and valuable to him at the time