The sign of success is the hate that you get along the way... #motivation #alexhormozi #imangadzhi #internetmoney
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2024-04-13 16:59:18

promise you every single person who wants to do something with their life and has done something with their life has gone through the exact chapter that you're going through and it's the lonely chapter is the chapter where are you
you're you don't fit in with your own friends but you don't have the outcomes yet to fit into a new group of friends and you're doing this thing consuming content on the internet you're you're doing these future tutorials online and you're going through this and you're like my this is even worth it because you have no signs of success right
but if there's anything that you can take away from what we're saying right now is that
the sign of success is the heat that you get
along the way
and you can't do is bend the knee to their hate and thin back into conformity because it's comfortable and it's warm because then you'd have to remember exactly what the reason was that you decided not to go to begin with because you listen to this podcast consumers