This is easily the proudest moment of my life. Thankful for your continued love and support. I hope my story will continue to inspire you and show you that anything is possible. Go follow @restcatskills to follow the project!

Just another kid from the block 🤝

#grandma #hotel #airbnb #livecall #millionaire #inspiration
Avatar of mrfourtoeight


2024-04-13 09:43:16

well grandma i got you
i'm doing good i have something exciting to tell you
i bought the hotel it's it's the first time
doing anything like this before and something that's really cool is i'm gonna put
our last name on it
oh my goodness you be my boss yeah your last name
so you're gonna see it the rest region
i don't think you can make me cry and
we can just
we're so proud of me i mean that but you work hard it's not a signal or is my
brain just
passing me i'm not kidding i
mean i love you so much thank you
you know what and i just want to tell you thank you so much because i mean you guys have supported me and supported mom and dad for
so long and um i just think it's a cool way to
know just celebrate the whole family and and what we've what we've been able to do
well yeah
i i want to say you got lucky because you have a great mom and a great dad
and they work hard
you know it's smart
isn't it having companies supporting
things that
you work hard honey make a get three
just remember you have a hotel now
proud of you but you know i love you i love you too