be less accessible to people
if you want to be appreciated and respected
i've been very cautious about who has access to me as of late
and so might call it arrogance i call it prioritizing my time and my presence to those deserving of it
and it's hard it's not easy because a lot of us are people pleasers we're good people
but in the process we forget about ourselves
there comes a time in your life where you have to be a bit selfish
with your presence
and you'll see two amazing things come from this one
when you disappear you'll see those people who are making that extra effort and going the extra mile to see you and hear from you because they actually cared
and the other one is you will be
that much more appreciated when you do come around once in a while like the sunshine and the winner
right you'll be appreciate in the moment
and because of that limited presence it'll count for much more
pretend like you have a red velvet rope in front of you subconsciously of course
and say to yourself vi p only
very important people to me to my time to my energy
you're welcome