Rich people DO NOT save. We invest. 📈
Avatar of askloral


2024-04-14 05:41:06

why is savings for poor people because rich people don't save we invest so there are several words that i'm going to teach you right now we don't save we invest right that's what wealthy people do what else do we do we don't budget we forecast which means we intentionally spend money for tax deductions and tax strategies right we don't retire we have freedom days that's at any age any time how much money do you want so your vocabulary of money has got to change so i need you out reading my books deep into my work on my youtube channel out here on instagram learning money so why savings for poor people because rich people just don't do it right what is savings anyway it's a big lump of money you're saving
for what there's no definition to it savings by itself does nothing investing has an intentional
trajectory it has a rate of return it has you know debt attached to it it's an equity investment there's some structure to it what's savings just putting a lunch money together see it feel good you have like
we're able to store much cash
not a good strategy not what wealthy people do