Is it better to settle or stay alone? 🤔 The answer lies in nurturing meaningful relationships. Research shows that connections with others are crucial for happiness. So, don't settle in your love life, and don't isolate yourself either. #selfhypnosis #subconsciousmind #subconsciousreprogramming #manifestation #relationshipadvice
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2024-04-13 22:44:01

eight yeah is it better to settle say well i'm gonna say neither the harvard had a study longest study on human relationships seventy five years they're all the people and they showed that
relationships are the most important things for happiness so having people in your life that nurture you and help you grow as a person is super important so you should not be alone nor should you settle if you're in a love relationship or if you're in a relationship with someone that doesn't fulfill you then you should go out there and cultivate more friends definitely don't settle for that relationship at the same time also don't be alone so that's the paradox of life