of all this change and i don't know where to start
advice please
sir you have a ton of change in front of you and you don't know where to start
if i had all this in front of me here's the top three things i would look forward to really get started
save this everything i'm about to tell you can be found in pocket change
first look for these three date pennies nineteen ninety nine
nineteen ninety eight
and two thousand
for all three of those years just look at the back of them
and just look at the reverse and see if there's a big space between the a and the m just like this
if it has that nineteen ninety eight around twenty five dollars two thousand around twenty dollars and nineteen ninety nine is the most valuable those go for like fifty to one hundred
and while you're at it grab the nineteen ninety twos
and ninety ninety two denver's
those have the opposite error you want the am to be touching just like that
nineteen ninety two is a couple hundred dollars
nineteen ninety two denver is worth over a thousand
then grab your quarters and see if there's any with a w mintmark
those are only from twenty nineteen and twenty twenty but they're all worth at least fifteen to twenty dollars a piece even circulated
and finally get your quarters dimes and half dollars
anything nineteen sixty four and older is ninety percent silver
and for half dollars anything from nineteen sixty five to nineteen seventy is forty percent silver
i hope that helps hit that like and follow
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