you need to focus on the patterns like for example in my case i used to always attract narcissist and then i thought to myself
why is every guy i'm in a relationship with exactly the same the way they treat me
the way they cheat the way they lie with manipulate with a gaslight
and then i realised that i'm attracting men with the same pattern
and then i wanted to go deeper in that and i want to understand why i know i deserve more wide do i settle
and then when i did therapy my therapist told me get on value yourself you have no self-worth and that's why you settle for anything
and crazy enough when i
you know meet the narcissist
and we sit in connect you know and
i feel like oh my god i've met him somewhere before we're soul mates where this or this or that
it's not because we're soulmates it because that's the same shitty energy that i really familiar with from before so it feels like home to me
and as a child i was exposed to narcissism a little bit so if i'm like home like yo some family members so it felt like home so everytime i met a narcissistic person
i'd go like oh my god this time we're soulmates i feel like i know that