Thoughts on this one 🤔

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2024-04-13 13:32:41

the child lives with him yes ma'am
and you want the baby bay yes man how long has the baby live with you vaulter
okay and how does the shout
the baby was placed with you after the boyfriend hit the baby and he's been living with you ever since the
you you've been taking care of and
you pay for everything for the child what does she do
i visit to boots on supervise okay congratulations you financially what does she do
oh financially yes
and you expect
to get child support
well when i get my baby back i want child sport yeah he makes way more money than i do
i want my baby back and i want child support they took my baby away because my ex boyfriend
is an abuser and i'm not with him anymore nobody really took you maybe you lost your baby front for your own negligence with a ex boyfriend you're the one that's going to pay him child support but yeah you are