Crypto millionaire actually dropping some gems 🔥
#crypto #bitcoin #cryptocurrency
Avatar of wellmart0x


2024-04-13 01:22:16

it's not a get rich real yeah sure generational wealth you do for little my friend
i'm a crypto really nurse yeah really yeah what advice would you give to the people watching
my x p h bar
exelon gosper
by before i saw two hundred twenty two
because when fats now comes out with that
i said
okay so you don't buy bitcoin or ethereum i have bitcoin yeah yeah yeah
yeah only when it dips yeah expense
not exist so yeah but become i mean
i believe bitcoin is gonna go to a hundred thousand dollar one day yeah do you think like this year next year i'm sure i'll probably this year this year these years when crypto is going to go it's gonna take off take off the show yeah okay so by crypto my crypto