Content hack:

Get interested in stuff, do things, then talk about the stuff you did.
Avatar of hormozi


2024-04-13 00:57:14

and a piece of clutter from gary that i really liked i'm pissed he said it because it's really good he said do the niches you
you're the niche like look at rogan rogan was like oh no i'm tossing some comedy i'm tossing some fighting stuff and then like shrooms and an alien and then politics a little bit he just fucks with that stuff and so that's what he talks about i actually really like philosophy i like comedy i like marketing and sales i like business stuff and that's what my contents about how do you recreate that get interested in stuff do things and then talk about the stuff that you did and you probably do have a few completely disjointed things that you're into it's the combo of five things in different proportions that then creates the thumbprint that makes the crater unique