Evidence-based emotional intelligence ↓

High emotional intelligence predicts better job performance (Lopes et al. 2006; O’Boyle et al. 2011, Martins et al., 2010) and happiness (Ghahramani et al. 2019; Callea et al. 2019).

Here are 6 signs of high emotional intelligence…

1. You’re empathetic. You tend to be able to understand the emotions of others from small cues, connecting with their experience on a deeper level (See Emotional N-Back task Lim & Birney 2021)

2. You’re self-aware, recognising your own emotions, how they affect you, and your strengths and weaknesses (Segal et al. 2023 helpguide.org; Drigas & Papoutsi 2018)

3. You prioritise communication in your relationships (Segal et al. 2023 helpguide.org)

4. You don’t let your emotions rule your life, you self-regulate when you can (Gilar-Corbi et al. 2019)

5. You use mindfulness to enhance your social awareness and regulate (Jiménez-Picón 2021)

6. You’re motivated beyond external/quick/temporary rewards, you’re passionate about your inner goals (Trigueros et al. 2019)

I’m a student, not an expert ;)

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2024-04-12 04:11:05

in the morning and went our way
and assad is common